Black Women & The Importance of Outdoor Exercise and Activities

Recreational spaces should be diverse, inclusive, and welcoming. Unfortunately, access and acceptance in many activities have ostracized people of color, particularly black women. Rather than avoid or run from recreational spaces where we have traditionally been denied access, harassed, or ignored, it’s critical that our collective voices address the issues. Unfair assumptions and lack of awareness have created a widespread negative narrative that has divided many recreational spaces. This article discusses the importance and need for black women to participate in outdoor exercise and activities.

Engaging in physical activities like kayaking can provide a sense of community and support, which is crucial for mental and emotional well-being. Additionally, exercise can help improve overall health and reduce the risk of health issues that disproportionately affect black women, such as high maternal mortality rates. By promoting exercise and creating a supportive community, Tanya Walker, CEO and Founder of Black Women Who Kayak, now rebranded to Black Women Who aims to engage, empower and help Black women to overcome the barriers they face that prevent them from wanting to participate in outdoor sports and activities.

Walker believes in the power of outdoor activities like kayaking and exercise to enhance and improve mental health. She knows first-hand that engaging in outdoor activities helps reduce stress, improve mood, and promote overall well-being. By encouraging more Black women to participate in outdoor activities, is helping to change the narrative and create a supportive community for mental health and wellness. The following are some ways that outdoor activities and sports benefit both the mental and physical health of women of color:

·         Physical Fitness: Outdoor sports provide opportunities for women of color to engage in regular physical activity, promoting cardiovascular health, strength, and overall fitness. Activities like running, hiking, cycling, or team sports help maintain a healthy weight, improve muscle tone, and enhance physical endurance.

·         Stress Reduction: Outdoor sports offer a break from the daily routine and the chance to immerse oneself in nature. Being in natural environments has been shown to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. The fresh air, sunlight, and green surroundings can help alleviate mental fatigue and enhance mood, leading to greater well-being.

·         Connection with Nature: Outdoor sports allow women of color to connect with the natural world. Spending time in nature has been associated with improved mental health, increased self-esteem, and reduced symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Developing a sense of awe and appreciation for the outdoors can foster a greater sense of belonging and connection to the world.

·         Empowerment and Self-Confidence: Engaging in outdoor sports can empower women of color by promoting self-confidence, self-esteem, and a sense of achievement. Overcoming challenges in outdoor activities, setting and reaching goals, and mastering new skills can contribute to a positive self-image and a greater belief in one's abilities.

·         Community and Social Support: Participating in outdoor sports can provide opportunities for women of color to connect with like-minded individuals, forming social bonds and support networks. Engaging in team sports or joining outdoor clubs and organizations can create a sense of community, foster friendships, and promote a feeling of belonging.

·         Cultural Expression and Identity: Outdoor sports allow women of color to express their cultural identity and heritage through various activities and events. Engaging in traditional sports or incorporating cultural elements into outdoor pursuits can be a source of pride, connection, and celebration of diversity.

·         Overcoming Barriers and Stereotypes: By participating in outdoor sports, women of color challenge stereotypes and break down barriers. They can inspire others and pave the way for increased representation and inclusivity in outdoor recreational activities, promoting diversity and equality.

Tanya started Kayaking when she was very young and loves it. She firmly believes that it's important to challenge stereotypes and recognize that outdoor activities and exercise can be enjoyed by everyone, regardless of race or gender. Organizations like Black Women Who are working to change the narrative and encourage more Black women to participate in outdoor activities. By providing a supportive community and promoting the benefits of outdoor exercise, they are helping to break down barriers and make outdoor activities more accessible and enjoyable for Black women.

Tanya Walker explains, “I tell women all the time; you would be surprised what you can learn from Black Women Who Kayak.” Black women Who Kayak provides a safe space to learn and experience the wonders of kayaking. Participants explore outdoor adventure and understand more about resilience. With their determination and resilience in pursuing outdoor activities, Black women have taught me about overcoming challenges, pushing boundaries, and embracing new experiences. Kayaking can increase your understanding of environmental issues, such as water conservation, pollution, and ecosystem preservation. Tanya has learned about local waterways, marine life, and the importance of environmental stewardship. Black women who kayak acquire deeper connections to their cultural heritage and history. As they learn and gain insights into the historical significance of waterways to Black communities, the role of water-based activities in African diaspora traditions, and how these aspects shape their relationship with kayaking, Black women understand that they belong in recreational spaces.

Although kayaking is a physically demanding activity, it offers various health benefits. Black women who kayak share their personal insights into the positive impacts on their physical fitness, mental well-being, and overall quality of life. Founder Tanya Walker of often shares a variety of tips on maintaining a healthy lifestyle and balancing outdoor activities with other aspects of life. She is known and recognized for building communities around her shared passion for the sport. Tanya is big on the power of community engagement, fostering inclusivity, and creating spaces where everyone feels welcome. Part of Black Women Who purpose is to highlight the importance of representation and breaking down barriers for underrepresented groups.


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